For patients
Making it easier to care for your health
Our full-service pharmacy focuses on patients with chronic conditions and complex treatment plans. We’re here to help you stay on track with your medication. We sort your prescriptions, OTC medication and supplements into pill packs marked with the day and time of each dose. Then, we ship them right to your door at no extra cost.
For health care providers
Improving patient outcomes
Partner with divvyDOSE to improve patient health outcomes. Together, we can help patients follow their treatment plans. Our easy-to-use packaging and free home delivery make it easier for patients to get and stay on their medication. If we notice a decrease in medication adherence, we’ll reach out to help resolve any problems or provide necessary clinical support.
For caregivers
Taking control with divvyDOSE
Spend less time picking up medication, organizing pill boxes and worrying about missed doses. Our pill packs help ensure that your loved one takes the right dose of their medication at the right time, giving you more quality time together.
1. 2023 internal operating scorecard.